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OMG! 100% money back satisfaction guarantee for EVERY photoshoot! That’s how much we believe in the quality of our services.
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OMG! 100% money back satisfaction guarantee for EVERY photoshoot! That’s how much we believe in the quality of our services.
November 5th, 2019

A Surprise Proposal Photo Shoot in Monumental Budapest

Budapest is an intriguing grandeur of classical art nouveau with a tinge of neoclassical historical moments. It’s beauty overflows with architectural masterpieces built in the golden ages whilst spectacular monuments like the shoes at the Danube Memorial narrate the rich history of the city. No surprise this city comes to your mind when you think of a perfect spot for a secret proposal photo shoot.

Budapest the capital of Hungary is explorers’ paradise since it is a treasure trove for art, cuisine, and history. Sprinkled with thermal baths and spas, the Buda Castle marks the epitome of nothing but an exquisite destination for travelers.

Monumental Secret Proposal Photo Shoot

The big magical moments in our lives are monuments that should be captured, with the right photographer behind the lenses accompanied and a perfect venue. If you are planning to give your love story a beautiful beginning, then Budapest carries the right amount of surprise and monumental allure for your surprise proposal photo shoot. With a variety of scenes and enough baroque, it has a human touch with a fairy-tale feel that promises fascinating photos.

One of our clients, Zachary Buxton, contacted us for a surprise proposal shoot in Budapest. He settled for the Castle District as the venue. Oliver, our talented proposal photographer in Budapest was thrilled to do the shoot for this amazing couple. He not only understood how special the moment was but also, knew how to capture this magical moment at the right spots.

Surprise Proposal Photo Shoot in Budapest


Surprise Proposal Photo Shoot at the Fisherman’s Bastion

One of Budapest’s iconic castle, the Fisherman’s Bastion built in the 19th century is a majestic decorative fortification for the best panoramic view of Budapest. Located at the heart of Castle Hills, there are tons of attractive sceneries to behold on your way up. It is a perfect mirror reflection of Walt Disney’s logos in their movies.

Proposal Photographer in Budapest

Will You Marry Me?

Zachary goes on one knee and pops the big question at the entrance of the Bastion to his unsuspecting fiancée. The ceremonial wide aperture stairs provide a romantic and dramatic entrance with a platform like grandeur. The view from this point is absolutely marvelous, a little green, a little castle. The statutes on the wall complete the portrait of the beautiful surprise proposal photo shoot. The photographer was able to capture a really special moment that was picture-perfect.

Proposal Photo Shoot in Budapest

Request your secret proposal photo shoot now

“Yes, I Do” Moment

A little more love adds bliss in a photo. Oliver manages to take fascinating proposal photos of the couple full of love. The fiancée couldn’t hide her surprise and excitement while the Bastion, in its variety of scenic sights, continues to paint an ultimate venue for a surprise proposal photo shoot. The couple enjoys the rest of the shoot around the Bastion, engaged.

The wide arched windows of the Bastion provide a variety of panoramic views of the Budapest. The photographer managed to take amazing proposal photos on some of these windows. One of the windows overlooks the gorgeous Matthias Church, whilst another beheld the river view. The alleys made good spots for some of the captions.

Proposal Photographer in Budapest

Newly engaged couple

Our incredibly talented photographer took some of the most romantic photos of the blissful couple. The moment you ask your special someone to spend the rest of their life with you is quite magical. And this couple couldn’t hide their joy, from the loving embraces to the kisses. This is a special moment that will forever be monumental in their lives just like the monumental Budapest. Congratulations to this amazing lovely couple.

Proposal Photographer in Budapest

Pictures Tell Splendid Stories
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