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OMG! 100% money back satisfaction guarantee for EVERY photoshoot! That’s how much we believe in the quality of our services.
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OMG! 100% money back satisfaction guarantee for EVERY photoshoot! That’s how much we believe in the quality of our services.
June 12th, 2019

Fascinating and Luxury Vacation Photo Shoot in Cannes

Apart from buzzing out throughout the year, Cannes is one of the fascinating places as it attracts wealthy tourists all year long. Michaela couldn’t have chosen a better place to visit for a change as the ambiance this place displayed is second to none. The city within the French Riviera is linked to festivals like the International Fireworks Festival, the Cannes Lions Advertising, and the famous Cannes Film Festival. Other major events such as the Mipcom and the Midem as well as the Cannes Yacht Show are also typical in this captivating city.

Photographer in Cannes

Enjoying Every Moment

Although her friend was not willing to participate in the shooting process, there was no dull moment. Michaela made every moment count as she posed for the camera. Fred, our vacation photographer in Cannes, had been contacted to take photographs of our precious client. Michaela quickly became a friend to the camera with her sunny disposition and girly looks. She did not only dress well her curves; her style says bonafide bombshell. The body-hugging trench coat on her and the black heeled ankle boots look sexy. If you have it, the best you can do is flaunt.

Photographer in Cannes

Hop step and snap is one moment Fred could not afford to miss. Michaela looked heavenly as she made this majestic pose in those heels along the stone pavement. Talk of a girl not taking chances with her  photo shoot come what may. With beautiful yachts within reach, it is without question that it is a must visit tourist destination. Sheiks shopping here and the rich people visiting the Cannes do not make it an expensive location to visit. You can go ahead and make life as exciting, crazy, and luxurious as you wish.

Request your photo shoot in Cannes now

Photographer in Cannes

Around the City

Looking through the telescope gave Fred another chance to take the best photos of Michaela as by now he was on the knowledge of what she wanted. The heat became a bit too much and wow! With this type of dressing, she was visiting the Cannes. At the old flight of staircases, Fred froze the moment and took some more photos of her as she pouted while focusing directly on the camera. More pictures of Michaela standing or walking down the stairs was caught by the camera, and with each shutter sound, it seems the going got better.

Photographer in Cannes

Another photo of Michaela seated leaves your mouth agape with the amazing vicinity the city has to offer. The Cannes ambiance did not just happen, Lord Brougham of Britain assisted the French to invent the city, and the rest has been history. Once a poor fishing ground, the city now flourishes with wealth and nobility. The place has sumptuous villas and luxury hotels that offer exquisite cuisine.

Photographer in Cannes

The Sandy Beaches of the Cannes

Going to the beach brings out almost all unimaginable ideas. Michaela’s photo shoot would not be finished until she took pictures at the beach with the turquoise water in the background. She dug her feet into the fine sands and posed for more photos. It takes good rapport to make the best photographer within a given city.

Photographer in Cannes

The picture-perfect blue waters defined her beautiful face well, and with her killer smile, the photos were worth looking at a second and even third time. Fred with the camera mastery took pictures from different views enabling clear images in the background. One can see the beautiful green hills and mega hotels at a distance.

Photographer in Cannes

To wrap up the photo session, Michaela being full of life and creativity added some icing on the cake by posing in front of the sign written on Cannes.

Photographer in Cannes


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