Ah, the perfect honeymoon. Be it a vacation in some sultry tropical location, an all-expenses-paid trip to a bustling metropolis, or a staycation at a family ranch, the honeymoon is a time-honored tradition that can’t be ignored. And while it’s meant to be romantic and for lovebirds-only, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t room for a third! After all, someone has to ensure the memories get properly captured. And the gifts don’t end after the wedding does…So what sort of honeymoon gifts are out there? Well, have you ever considered a honeymoon photo shoot as a gift idea for her?
Honeymoon gifts are not always at the forefront of the wedding planner’s mind. After the engagement and wedding, the honeymoon is a cool down and vacation by comparison. But that doesn’t mean that you want to walk away with a collage of awkwardly posed, grainy selfies to show your friends and family what you two got up to. No, the honeymoon is a once in a marriage lifetime opportunity and such a momentous milestone deserves a professional photo shoot, just like the wedding itself.
Honeymoon Photo Shoot Gift Card
The gift of photography means you can have a photographer on hand no matter your location. Photographers from Bali to Brazil stand at the ready to capture the two of you glowing with affection for one another. As a honeymoon gift, it’s hard to top a professional photoshoot. The photographer is a local, for one, and full of great information on places to shoot and even just places to enjoy after the photoshoot. The photographer takes the time to consider when the lighting will be the most dramatic – if you’re on the beach you’d want to aim for sunrise or sunset, for example. They’ll know where in the city you can have a dynamic honeymoon shoot with no tourists cluttering up the background. And they might even be able to suggest a romantic rooftop restaurant or three for a shoot instead of the ground level bistro you were considering taking selfies at before.
The honeymoon is also a chance to show her just how much she means to you – she’s the center of your world, after all. And having images of her and your time there says exactly that. That “I cherish these moments, now and forever.” And looking back on the honeymoon after the shoot, you’ll feel exactly the same emotions you did at the time thanks to the skill of your professional photographer. Romance, bliss, excitement, and even that same sense of joy in the unknown at having moved forward with such a life milestone.
Giving the honeymoon photoshoot gift card is also easier than ever. With the gift card, the photographer will be available when and where you want them to be. Rather than having to scramble to find a last minute photographer on a whim it’s all been pre-arranged and organized beforehand! This makes things especially easy if you’re still in your home country. Instead of assuming you’ll have to navigate the countryside in a land whose language you may not even speak to try and find a photographer, you can contact, browse their images, and set a date with a local honeymoon photographer anywhere in the world! How much easier could it be than that?
Honeymoon gifts should be just as unique as the moment they’re meant to accentuate. And a photograph of that moment is about as unique as it could possibly get. It reignites your passion each time you look at it and everyone who looks on the image shares in the joy the two of you will be clearly radiating. That makes photography a gift for everyone, but especially the two of you, and most especially for her. So don’t hesitate to pick up a professional photo shoot package the next time you start on your honeymoon planning. It will make your honeymoon that much smoother and far more memorable.