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OMG! 100% money back satisfaction guarantee for EVERY photoshoot! That’s how much we believe in the quality of our services.
December 11th, 2020

How to Get The Most out of Your Family Photo Shoot

Time spent with your family is time spent well. Whether you are a tiny family of three or enjoy huge family get-togethers will all your aunties and cousins, it is always a good idea to capture those special moments. Having said that, you might have noticed that even though your uncle Tommy claims his camera is “basically professional”, his photos never really turn out that great. That is why we thought we would create a list of tips you might use getting ready for your very own really professional family photo shoot.

Tip #1

The little ones play a big role

We are sure you know it: everyone is getting ready, the light is perfect, finally it seems that you might get that ultimate photo you were all looking for and then the tiniest member of the family starts crying. Of course, this is completely understandable, but there might be a way to avoid it.

First of all, you might want to bear in mind that any professional photographer will try to book your session either in the morning or just before sunset. This is due to the fact that these times of the day offer the best light conditions and your photos will look much better than if you were to take them, say, around noon.

But of course, your little child also has a daily routine and you know that if you push it too far, you might never get any photos at all. Therefore, consulting your family photographer and asking them what they think about your preferred shooting time is definitely the way to go. They will be able to help you and make both you and your baby as happy as possible. After all, your kids are kids and if you want to play with them or just have a good old laugh, the photos will be a lot more relaxed.

Professional Family Photographer

Tip #2

Come with a snack

We also have two little tips for those of you, who are planning to book a session with a very young child – a little snack may come in handy and, even more importantly, everyone likes a tiny little reward for their efforts, so maybe a chocolate bar might make your kid’s smile that little bit wider. Oh, by the way, this does not apply to children only, so it might be a good idea to get everyone well fed and comfortable before the family photo shoot.

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Tip #3

The Family Look

No matter if you want to make just a couple of intimate portraits of your tiny little family, or you want to capture the family reunion of the decade, thinking about your outfits goes a long way. Typically, a good place to start is to tell all of your loved ones to bring plain, comfortable clothes they already know and to ask them to keep the colors within a specific range you like. That way, you will be able to look at your photos even in ten years’ time and enjoy everyone’s smiles without constantly asking yourself, why your dad thought a pink tie was “definitely a good idea”.

Professional Family Photo Shoot

Tip #4

Choose the right location

The issue of location is never really resolved. And yet, a couple of easy tips might be helpful. One of them is, once again, for families with little kids – the smaller the kid, the shorter the drive should be. That way, your little angel will not get too tired and might even be happy to hold still for five minutes longer. But the general rule of thumb is even simpler: try to come up with somewhere, where everyone will feel calm and relaxed during your family photo shoot.

For a large family, a busy city square might not be the best option, but it might create a great contrast for the romantic bubble of a smaller family. Larger families might prefer parks and open spaces, where even the older generations feel they can be themselves. Once again, the more you enjoy yourselves during the family photo shoot, the better the photos will be.

Professional Family Photo Shoot

Tip #5

Shooting on Tour

Quite a few families like to book a photo session when traveling. While it is great to have a professional capture your moments in an exotic location like Bali, there are still a few tips you might want to keep in mind.

First of all, try to avoid booking your family photo shoot for your day of arrival or departure. When you arrive, you may suffer from jetlag, you will be tired and having a stranger tell you to hug your lovely but exhausted kids could be just a tad too much. Booking a session on your last day will make you unnecessarily nervous and the last thing you want is to be constantly checking your watch and thinking of catching your plane.

Booking your session for the second day of your stay, on the other hand, is a great option of getting to know your destination, as your family photographer will know all of the fabulous places nearby and will be able to help you get the most out of your vacation. You may also find that you enjoy the session so much, that you will want to book another one at another location or time of day, who knows!

Professional Family Photographer

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If your family photo shoot involves small children, bear that in mind and discuss this with your photographer in order to keep everyone happy and relaxed. As far as outfits are concerned, going for a selected color can help you on your quest to better photos. Also, try not to travel too far with your little ones before the big shoot and think about your family and their preferences, then book the location, not the other way round. When traveling, avoid booking your photo session on your first and last day and most importantly, whenever in doubt, ask your photographer, they will be happy to help.

Having said all that, we have one more key tip. Remember that a family photo shoot is not only about getting the perfect photos. It is also about enjoying yourself and especially the presence of those you love most. Because once you really start enjoying that, the photos will be so much better.

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